About Us
Tasteful isn’t just a place to go and get delicious mindfully made food. It’s a place to learn, connect, and help nurture your soul to grow! We believe food is full of so much more than just taste. It’s fuel, energy, and creation packed with nutrients to promote wellbeing and a positive state of life. All of the food at Tasteful is 100% REAL. No additives, no chemicals, and most importantly you can pronounce every ingredient! (except for açaí maybe). Not only is the food at Tasteful good for you, but it’s also crafted in an environment that promotes positivity, wellbeing, and good vibes! (as some may say). We believe that the benefits of food are only as important as the intentions behind the person who has prepared it, and the person eating it. How the food is prepared and how you eat it, is equally as important as to what you eat. Mindfulness is key to the journey of wellbeing!